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Entertainment Hub

Krutikajichkar's github profile

This is an Entertainment platform made by fetching IMDB API where you can search trending movies,series,shows,etc provided by the genres

Discord Clone

Monishka8303's github profile

This project is a clone of the original website of Discord, which is fully responsive.

Save Cinema Frontend Project with Payment Gateway Integration

SJ-Kumar's github profile

This project is focused on promoting and supporting the cinema industry. It aims to create a platform that engages cinema lovers and encourages them to contribute to the well-being of those involved in the film-making process. The webpage showcases information about the project and provides a donation form for users to contribute.

Advice Generator

swarajzz's github profile

The goal of the application is to provide users with random pieces of advice to help them make better decisions in their personal and professional lives

NFT Marketplace

Judge-Paul's github profile

Introducing NFT Marketplace, your go-to destination for exploring the exciting world of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Our platform offers a seamless browsing experience where users can discover a diverse range of NFT collections and explore the current token prices.

Tindog E-Commerece website

Kumudhaart's github profile

Tindog website is a E-Commerce Website for dog lovers.Tinndog website is user freindly and responsive


Akash-Tandale001's github profile

Build a hospital management system with an MVC design pattern that provides 6 different facilities for users to book, claim and inquire about various services. Reviewed under Admin dashboard with all CRUD operations under secured access control.


BaibhavTiwari's github profile

Summarizer is a web application built with reactjs and redux that utilizes the article-extractor-and-summarizer Rapid API to summarize articles and blog posts.

React PWA Starter Template

nc1z's github profile

Opinionated React PWA Starter built with Create-React-App, MUI and Firebase


BhartiNagpure's github profile

This is the static restaurant website which shows all details about the particular restaurant, which services provided by them, thier reviewer's, contact details etc.